Hi there. My name is Vincent. I am a French webdesigner living in Paris. Graduated by a journalism institute, I founded my own media, Roads Magazine, in 2012. Media on which I was as well journalist as webmaster. Passionate by web culture, I have also been a journalist for websites specializing in high-tech.
Interested since a long time by coding, I decided to attend an intensive bootcamp at Le Wagon in order to learn it. I had the opportunity to work on several languages: HTML 5, CSS 3 (LESS, Sass), JAVASCRIPT (jquery) but also Ruby & Rails. Since then I live my life as web-designer freelance. I had the opportunity to work with different companies and start-up. I have completed numerous projects, from e-commerce, showcase website to classic pure player.
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Freelance web designer/front end developer.
Launching of Roads Clothing Department : at Roads, we have decided to release a clothing label to support and develop our webzine. All our garments are produced in limited series and fully manufactured in Paris. You can see our e-shop (wich I designed) and the collection at this link.
Alumni of a fullstack bootcamp at Le Wagon (french coding school). Learning of html and css (Sass/less), ruby & Rails, javascript (jquery) and git/Github
CEO, Journalist (music and cinema), web designer and web master of Roads Magazine, a cultural and political independant webzine
Journalist for Web & Tech, a french pure-player specialized in high-tech and web culture
Obtaining of a Licence in Journalism at ISCPA PARIS (Institut Supérieur des Médias)
Send me an email if you would like me to code for you or if you have any questions ?